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Showing posts from September, 2010


The clock ticks closer to 2:30. I sit across the room enjoying the softness of the couch cousins before my work begins. I start working in my head all the things I know about the subject of fractions and making lists of the ways that I can convey the information in my head to another person. After a few minuets I decide that I can’t work out anything good so I give up and decide I will just try to flow with my student and react to what she needs both in the moment and long term. I hear a far away door swing, feet clomping, and strange silence. This is strange because usually the voice hits before the other sounds but today there is nothing. Solemnly my little friend walks into the room and lays down her backpack without taking out her customary fractions homework assignment. I frown thinking about how I will have to insist and convince my friend that she can do the work and have her reluctantly retrieve her work page. I don’t want to have this “fight”. She comes and sits down next t...

First Day as a Canadian

I am twelve all over again. That excited and yet scared feeling you get that makes you want to jump around the room and at the same time run away from the room because it is not a place for you, a kid. I am walking into a meeting quietly behind my mother. My mother is nowhere in the room and I am not twelve but I flash back to those times when I would go with my mother to a meeting where everyone was glad to see me but knew I was just a living ornament for my mother to show off. I know that this group does not feel that way about me but it doesn't matter because I feel that way. My Good Friend introduces me to the group warmly and everyone says hello to me but no sound escapes my lips, only a small smile and nod. We begin and I start to feel more at ease because I know a little about what is being talked about but still distant because I don't know what my role is yet in that dialog. The meeting ends faster and slower than I feel it should. Some of the people chat with me and s...

Summer Review

This summer has been so much fun. After having the last year suck so much that I thought about committing a crime just so I could be taken out of it. I was so excited to be able to go to Hong Kong with some friends of mine. I spent a whole summer traveling, reading lots of books, eating new things, and just having lots of fun. When I came back I had to run around and get ready to movie again to Canada. I have loved to see all of my friends and family. It has been fun to travel and I know the next few years will be fun as well.