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Showing posts from October, 2012

A Compassionate Start

Every week I sit in church and think about my life. I think about what I want to do differently. How I have fallen short. Those who might help me be better. Those who I could help be better. And the ways that I can see more wonder in the world around me. Every week I make these lists in an attempt to focus me and remind me of things that I have forgotten when life has gotten jammed with other things that are less important. I have spent the last two weeks practically alone, however. I have not "gone" to church as it was General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which I watched in my home wearing my PJ's. I have not made my usual lists of goals and improvements. Today I decided to do something that I have not done in a very long time. Instead of making lots of lists of things to do I choose one thing. Today I was not going to watch TV and see where my day took me. Instead of getting lost in some show I Cleaned my kitchen Tided up my bath...