So this last week I was able to be the head teacher in my classroom at Kinderland day care in the kindergarten class. During the last week I had decided to do more reading, math, and writing so I started reading Junie B. First Grader books to my class after lunch. This was amazing because I was able to show them how they acted sometimes by the example of a character in the book. Tattiling has been a big problem but now I am able to say "Do you sound like May?" I once again felt like I was someone with a purpose. It is amazing how when your life has no visible purpose everything else can seem to fall apart at your feet. Sadly the "Head" teacher came back so now I am back to seeing how much the children I love are not getting from their "Teachers". Oh well I will just have to look to the future.
So this was a big week. For the first time in a long time I have felt the overwhelming need to cry. As always I am unaware of the way that people can see what is going on with me even when I think that I doing a good job of hiding it from everyone. I am an RA (Resident Advisor) at Dixie. This week I was given the task to work with another RA to make flyer's for a sports activity that was coming up. Usually I am the one who makes sure that everything that needs to go on the fl yer is on and is correct. The other RA usually does all the "Flash". Well this week I had over 28 hours of work to do. Because of all of the homework that I had to do I did not check the fl yer that had been done and let the other RA do what ever he wanted and trusted that the information would be correct. A few days later it was the day before all of my assignments were due and I was freaking out. I also had to go to my RA meeting. At these meeting my RM (Resident Manager) has personal meetings with...