Well the end has come. For most this passing will not make any more impact then one tear dropped into the ocean. For most lives will continue as if nothing had been changed by its beginning. For those of you that this holds true I feel sorry. If your world is never moved by something no matter how fleeting then that world will stop being livable.
My world has been changed. For the last two years I have been blessed with one show that has given me reason to cry, yell, sing, dance, curs, hug my friends, and feel lucky to have the life I live. Some have told me that becoming attached with people and a story that is not real is crazy and even unhealthy. I believe that if one cannot show emotion for even the smallest of things then how can one have deep emotion for the bigger things.
Emotions do not always have to be those of good. It was once said that "at every sad ending their is an even greater beginning". I am still in the ending so I am just waiting for the beginning to start but before the "NEW" can come I must honor the past by holding to the memories that were really what made this special.
My world has been changed. For the last two years I have been blessed with one show that has given me reason to cry, yell, sing, dance, curs, hug my friends, and feel lucky to have the life I live. Some have told me that becoming attached with people and a story that is not real is crazy and even unhealthy. I believe that if one cannot show emotion for even the smallest of things then how can one have deep emotion for the bigger things.
Emotions do not always have to be those of good. It was once said that "at every sad ending their is an even greater beginning". I am still in the ending so I am just waiting for the beginning to start but before the "NEW" can come I must honor the past by holding to the memories that were really what made this special.
- Sitting with my friends to share in common moments.
- The first time Nathan kisses Haley
- When Brook loves Sam enough to freely let her to live with her birth mother
- The nights before papers were due watching the fictional lives of others with bigger problems
- The hope I got that even a nerd like Haley could find all those things that we are all looking for
Lastly the shared love between these friends (both fictional and those who watch the fictional) that helped them through the most unimaginable of situations
Life is hard to get through but without the small things that can bind us together that life can never about to more then one of wanting. At this end I look to the new beginning that is ahead with a more open spirit, a more open heart, and with the love and lessons that I will forever carry with me.