Sometimes you don’t know when magic is happening. Sometimes it takes a while before you realize that you are experiencing a moment you will remember for the rest of your life. Sometimes, however, it is not hard to see it. Sometimes the power of it overcomes you so much that you must remind yourself to breath. Sometimes it’s magic. Red cohort, A.P. Group, overachievers. We went by many names but what we really were was almost never spoken. Perhaps it was because if we said out loud what we were it might go away. For two years we laughed together, cried together, made fools of ourselves in front of each other. We celebrated when someone found out they were pregnant. We went to each other’s weddings. When there was death we supported, cried, and cared for one another. We lifted each one up on their journey, for as we did so for the one, we did for the whole. Other groups did not have this magic. Perhaps the magic came by but no one noticed it and so it left without making much of an...